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- ISBN:9789862568033
- 規格:平裝 / 16k菊 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
- 出版地:台灣
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隔離在家,無論是工作、學習還是娛樂,都離不開網絡,最近各大網絡平臺都迎來了流量猛增.,然而面對猛增的流量壓力,系統崩潰的風險也大大增加了。為緩解網絡伺服器壓力,Youtube和奈飛都宣布將在未來一個月暫時降低視頻默認畫質。 ...Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash Videos on YouTube will now default to standard definition for all users worldwide, a step down from the typical high definition that users normally see. YouTube網站的視頻將在全球範圍內對用戶通常看到的高清畫質進行下調,默認為標清畫質。 The move is aimed at easing the burden on internet infrastructure as lockdowns and other emergency policies have kept millions at home. 此舉旨在減輕隔離和其他緊急政策造成的數百萬人同時在家上網給網絡基礎設施帶來的負擔。 The global change, which was announced and began rolling out on Tuesday, is expected to last for approximately 30 days as millions of people around the globe stay home amid the coronavirus pandemic. 這項面向全球範圍的政策於3月24日宣布並實施,預計將持續大約30天,因為新冠肺炎疫情期間全球有數百萬人會待在家裡。 In a statement, YouTube said the move is meant "to do our part to minimize stress on the system during this unprecedented situation." YouTube在一份聲明中說,此舉是為了「在這種史無前例的情況下盡我們的一份力把對系統的壓力降到最小」。 Users will still be able to manually change to a higher resolution on a per-video basis, YouTube told CNN. Youtube告訴美國有線電視新聞網說,用戶仍然可以在每次播放視頻前手動將解析度調至高清。 YouTube and Netflix previously said they would reduce streaming quality in Europe for a limited time to prevent the internet collapsing under the strain of unprecedented usage due to the coronavirus pandemic. 此前,Youtube和奈飛曾表示會暫時降低歐洲流媒體視頻的畫質,以防止由於新冠肺炎疫情帶來的前所未有使用壓力而導致網絡崩潰。 Due to more people working and studying from home, the internet's underlying infrastructure is expected to face "an enormous stress test," industry analysts have told CNN. Even some of the biggest tech platforms are now grappling with a greater challenge in keeping their services up and running amid surging demand. 行業分析師告訴美國有線電視新聞網說,由於更多人在家工作和學習,網絡的基礎設施將面臨「巨大的壓力測試」。即使是一些科技平臺巨頭現在也要應對更大的挑戰,在需求量激增的情況下保持服務正常運行。 Last week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told reporters that the company's platforms are facing "big surges" in engagement, with traffic patterns exceeding what the company ordinarily sees around the New Year's holiday. 上周,臉書執行長馬克·扎克伯格告訴記者說,臉書的平臺正面臨使用量的「飆升」,流量已經超過同期新年前後的數據。 On Tuesday, Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, said there is "a lot of usage, a lot of demand" on the service. During an Instagram livestream, Mosseri added that a new feature on Instagram dedicated to showing what users are doing from home — titled Stay Home — was so popular it "almost took down Instagram" in its opening hours. 3月24日,Instagram總裁亞當·莫塞里稱,目前Instagram服務的「使用量和需求量都很大」。在Instagram的一次直播中,莫塞里說,Instagram有一個名叫「在家裡」的新功能,專門用來顯示用戶在家做了些什麼,這個新功能非常受歡迎,上線才幾個小時就「差點令Instagram系統崩潰」。 (英文來源:CNN)
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